How my journey began…

Hey love! My name is Shanon!

I have endless and exciting things swirling around inside my mind, my body and my soul - and I’ve come a place in my life where I feel compelled to share many of these things. I have traveled on many new journeys recently and found myself struggling to find my balance and my center.

In April of 2022, I was diagnosed with rectal cancer and quickly began a journey that changed the course of my life. I began my identity as a cancer patient and found myself in the mists of a new and terrifying world. I went through the standardized care of infusion treatments, oral chemo and radiation, then ultimately surgery to remove the tumor site. I woke from surgery to learn that I required a permanent colostomy bag. Long journey, thought to be coming to a close.

During my 6 month scans, it was discovered that there was a small nodule on my lung and also on my liver. I was once again diagnosed, accept now they call me “Stage 4 metastatic”. Shortly after this, it felt as if the air left my lungs and the thick dense air that surrounded me, prevented me from moving…literally!!! I spent so much time inside my head and hearing my thoughts even louder than I thought possible — and for this reason it become necessary for me to create an outlet, a space for creativity and boundless community.

I journal with myself, to myself and for myself. It has become a relationship of its own, it’s how I’ve gotten to know myself, understand my own unique world and learn to believe in myself. It’s where I’ve spoken my truths and heard myself speak about the forces from within when I didn’t know they existed. I love seeing up close, all of the threads that are intrinsically interconnected, without us even realizing it. Each and every thing is so brilliantly connected with one another. The way you stumbled upon this site and the way you have continued to read on, even though I’m not saying anything…’re still intrigued!!! I am committed to mindfully taking the paths before me with grace, compassion and kindness. I absolutely know I am here for a reason so I am going to journey on with all my breaths rather than sit in my darkness, please feel free to join me or share your own story.
