Limitless Spaces

The waves continue to hit me like a storm arriving at the shore without warning.

Tangled, torn, pushing me down and pressing me into the spaces I’m not meant to fit into.

Then with a subtle gentleness, I’m once again reminded of a limitless space containing only one thing… my breath.

My breath that guides me, soothes me, rocks me into calm and away from the storm or perhaps just through it with a bit more grace and determination. 

I remember the struggles I once had and how my breath showed up for me then. 

I remember how my breath offered space in the over stuffed and chaotic places that had no room, the ones I once turned away from and… now breathe into with ease and gratitude. 

As I surrender back into my breath, I recall how much world resides in one breath. 

I recall that without that breath nothing else is possible.

I am grateful for each one I’m given.

I breathe in. I breathe out. I repeat. 


Guided Towards Growth