Tending to My Garden

Last week, as I was working through some of my new challenges and trying my hardest to wrap my head around all of this information, I was in my attic where all the thoughts surround me like a warm blanket and allow me the space to hear them without the constraints from the rest of the world from “downstairs”. I sometimes sit there just allowing myself the space and the time to acknowledge what I am feeling, what my fears and concerns are, why my thoughts are the way they are, and so on. While sitting there last week I heard my Knowing say, “Plant the seeds so you have a garden, if you have a garden you have something to tend to," I’m not fully sure what was meant by this but I have some ideas. I know I have been “planting seeds” and moving myself to spaces that I am meant to arrive in; although I am not completely sure of “where” I am meant to arrive, I can feel myself being propelled into unknown places and spaces. 

I suppose the garden is myself and the things I need to tend are more about maintaining myself — my mind, my body and my soul and doing all the things that I know, in the depths of my soul, are the things I am being led to do. So how do I begin to tend to this garden when I don’t fully know what has been planted? I’m not completely sure either! I just know that in some capacity I am supposed to surrender and accept, while also allowing and knowing that I am held, supported and deeply loved — and that IS enough! 

I imagine there might be things that I can recognize right away as the things I planted; I believe other beautiful beings will also plant things in my garden and assist me in tending to it (I like how that feels!). I know there will be weeds and unwanted things growing in my garden too and I will pull each of the weeds or unwanted things with care and compassion but also with determination and dedication. I will continue to feed my garden with compassion and kindness, the healthiest and most nutrient rich foods so my garden can continue to grow and flourish. I imagine I may also share these blooms with others; maybe they will use the seeds from these blooms to add to their own gardens?!

Planting gardens; we all plant seeds each and every time we breathe, whenever we speak to others, the ways in which we interact with all the beings we encounter, its the part of ourselves that we leave behind when we have shared conversations, interactions, opinions, thoughts, hugs, energies….you name it!

I know for certain in my life I am responsible for planting many unwanted seeds, I have caused weed gardens to grow and sprout at rapid speeds, I’m sure of this. 

I have planted seeds that should have been destroyed… but at the time those may have been the only seeds I thought I had. I continue to gather seeds from so many incredible individuals and now I feel my garden is beginning to thrive. I am also working to be very careful about what seeds I plant and where I plant them. I still suck at this sometimes and may leave some shity seeds in unwanted places (my deepest apologies _/\_ ). I will continue to work on this and grow the seeds that offer the most compassion and kindness. I plan to tend to this garden for as long as I am on this earth and in this skin bag — with the ability to do so. 

What are my seeds? Well, for me it’s all the ways in which I have been loved and supported, sometimes even the painful experiences offer seeds that grow into beautiful blooms…I gather those seeds with the intention of planting them in other peoples gardens. The spaces in my life that have offered me experiences and lessons which have encouraged my being to grow like wild flowers, these are worth sharing with compassion and kindness as they are infinitely powerful. At this point in my life I am allowing and encouraging myself to collect all the seeds I am able to with the intention of creating a garden that is filled with exceptional blooms. I love wildflower gardens because they appear to be free from constrictions, less defined and more unique in their own way. I love the way each season a little sprout might be there because a bird ate a delicious meal and later shit out a seed from someone else’s garden into mine. Beautiful blooms sometimes grow from shit.    

Sometimes the beautiful seed is planted in a space other than a garden, like a crack in the sidewalk or a parking lot. Imagine what conditions what must have taken place for the to have happened?!! The struggles we experience in life actually do plant seeds and sometimes those seeds appear to make it impossible for our garden to grow the way that we had hoped; however, don’t forget that seeds are always being planted we just have to choose the seeds that inspired our gardens to be so beautiful and wild. 

May you all have people who tend to your gardens with love and care. May you all know the compassion and kindness from others. May you all have beautiful blooms that you can share with others to continue growing more beautiful gardens. _/\_


Learning to Navigate Life…Cancer Version


Thanking Her